Phone Directory

Tax Assessor (706)-821-2310

Tax Commissioner (706)-821-2391

Sherriff `s Department (706)-821-1000

Clerk of Court (706)-821-2493

Superintendent of Roads (706)-790-7062

Health Department (706)-667-4326

Superintendent of Schools (706)-541-0650

County Agent (706)-821-2350

Building Inspections (706)-821-1706

Planning & Zoning (706)-821-1796

Chief Magistrate (706)-821-2516

Georgia Forestry (706)-771-4922

US Dept of Agriculture (706)-790-1449

Water & Sewer (706)-312-4122

web site:

Information provided

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Richmond County Facts

Richmond County is the economic hub of our area with Augusta being the central city. It is still the economic, historic and cultural center of the entire east central region of Georgia. It has a large number of jobs that are centered in this area. Fort Gordon, area hospitals, and a strong manufacturing base are the hubs of this employment center. Spreading south Richmond County still has a rural flavor with many unspoiled acres.

County Demography

Population (2001) 198,366

Square miles 328.5

Total Acres 210,240

Timberland in acres 121,200

Population per square mile 603.85

Per capita income $23,685

Millage Rate(2000) 27.32

Ranking among 159 Counties

( 1 best 159 worst )

Unemployment 103

Rank of High School Graduation % 29

Per Capita Income 90

Master Economic Rank 10

Tax Rate 110

"We Speak Country"


Information contained herein is from sources deemed reliable, but is subject to errors or omissions. ©Copyright 2003 Brashear Realty Corp.

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